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デフォルメカー ワーゲンバス



デフォルメカー スティングレイ

私の大好きな、1970年代のDeal's Wheelsと同じくして、zingers!という、バカでかいエンジンを積んだクルマのプラモデルがあった。




Like my favorite, Deal's Wheels of the 1970's, there was a car model car model with a stupid engine called zingers!

In case

This is a characteristic plastic model equipped with a large engine and wheel on a small car body developed by Denny Johnson. It is from a plastic model maker called MPC, but it goes without saying that it was against Dave Diels from Revell.

In case

However, I do not agree that the gap between the body and the engine / wheel is good, but the bodily body is a scale model as it is. Is it useless! ! Although it is not useless if it is told, one more voice! I would like to say.

In case

So, I tried to make the 3DCG car derived from Diels which I fixed by myself as zinger specification.


デフォルメカー コルネット


デフォルメカー バモス・ホンダ



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