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NISSAN BLUEBIRD 910  1979-1993

510型を髣髴とさせる直線基調の機能的でクリーンなスタイルなども手伝って、小型車(1.6L - 2.0Lクラス)で27か月連続新車登録台数第1位を記録するなど、910型は510型以来の大ヒットとなった。


With the help of a functionally clean style such as a straight line keynote to type 510, we recorded the No. 1 number of registered cars for 27 consecutive months in a compact car (1.6 L - 2.0 L class), such as type 510 It was a big hit since then.

For the image character of the advertisement, Kenji Sawada was appointed and the catch phrase "The superstar" "Bluebird, your era" was used.

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